
Amanda's Hand-Painted Score Board Wall Decor

When I was looking for decorations for my sons nursery everything was so expensive. We went with a soccer theme and we knew we wanted a score board  but all we could find were electircal ones that were so expensive. I'd dabbled some with painting so I decided to try to paint my own scoreboard and it came out great. 

You will need:

1 painting canvas 

acrylic paints of whatever colors you desire

several paintbrushes (1 large one for the background, 1 med size one and 1 super tiny on for small details.)

masking tape

number and letter stencils


2 soccer ball stickers

and tons of time and patience

First  you will need to paint the background of the scoreboard. I did mine in green. I used the masking tape to make a 1inch border around the canvas. Then I painted the whole canvas with the paint. It required 2 coats.

After allowing it to dry for 24hrs remove the masking tape slowly. Then I separated the top of the board for the name of the complex and for the time clock. For the name of the complex I blocked off about 1 and half inch for the letters. Use the masking tape to make a thin line to separate the sections. This required about 3 coats of paint to cover all the green paint. Then I sectioned off about 3 inches for the time clock. Do the same process as you did for the name border.

After letting the paint dry you can tape off all your blocks you will need. Tape off blocked for the time clock, each country flag, the stats, score and the period. The size of your blocks will depend on the size of your stencils. Tape off each of those and then paint all the black squares. 

While you wait for those to dry you can research the designs for your flags and play around with where you want them. I chose the German and Irish flag for my husbands side of the family and the Mexico and Spanish flag for mine. That way my son knows what all of his heritage is. After the black paint dried I taped my flags to paint the stripes. I put one strip of tape right in the middle of the flags that way I could paint 2 sides at one time and save some time. After all of those dried I removed the tape and painted the inside section of the flag. These parts may require 2-3 coats of paint to cover the green color underneath.  

After all of the paint has dried you are ready to start stenciling on the numbers and letters.  Outline the stencils where every you want but push lightly that way you can erase if necessary. Once you have outlines the stencils with you pencil go over it with the white or yellow paint with you small paintbrush. For the dots on the time clock just put a couple of dabs of white paint in the middle of the blocks.

Save the name of the complex to paint until last. While the rest of your letters are drying you can work on you name. Turn you canvas upside down and paint the white letters of you name then with the small paintbrush very carefully outline the letters with black paint. You can name your complex whatever but I wanted to personalize mine and used my sons initials. 

After that paint dries if you have detail on your flags I'd suggest doing that very last.  This was the hardest part. I practiced drawing the detailed designs of the flags on a piece of paper several times to make sure I had everything just right. Then I free hand drew the designs of the flags on the canvas. With your detailing small brush paint very carefully the designs on the flag.

Now I would have loved to paint a couple of soccer balls on the canvas but we were in the middle of moving so I couldn't finish them by the time we had everything packed up. Once our things were unloaded I just added a couple of 3D felt soccer ball stickers to the sides of the name.

Now sit back and take great pride in the project you just finished because it took great patience and time and back ache to finish this. This project could take you a good month to finish but I was a stay at home wife and had nothing to do while my husband was at work so I finished it in about 2 weeks. I hope y'all enjoy this project.


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