We've got an amazing, thorough comparison of homemade dishwasher detergent courtesy of Sara! You can find more from the domestic diva at OPERATION: Domestication!
I’ve already joined the craze of everyone making their own laundry detergent, fabric softener and dryer sheets... Now I’ve moved on to Dishwasher Detergent!
So, I’ve found about 8000 various versions of this “recipe”, but the majority of them were fairly similar. Minor variations: kosher vs epsom salt; pure citric vs Kool-Aid vs Fruit Fresh; basking soda vs washing soda... Then all the questions poured into my head:
Do you/can you add LemiShine to the mix or does it HAVE to be added to the bottom of the dishwasher?
Vinegar as a rinse aid?
How often do I have to refill the vinegar?
So I broke this down..
1) I absolutely refuse to use Kool-Aid in any appliance. Sweetened or unsweetened - it stains. I ruled that out IMMEDIATELY!
2) I may be efficient, but I’m also very lazy. I will NOT be adding stuff to the bottom of my dishwasher EVERY wash cycle..
3) I’m indifferent on the effectiveness of baking soda over washing soda, but due to the fact that baking soda reacts more than the washing soda and the fact that I had more washing soda on hand than I did baking soda - guess which one I picked? ;)
So that brings us to our starting point...
I use white distilled vinegar on the regular as it is, so I have the stuff on hand to use as a rinse aid. I also had 5 of the ingredients on hand, so I bought the Fruit Fresh and got down to it!
Now, most of the recipes called for similar amounts of the ingredients, so I cut them down by 75% to use as samples before making a HUGE batch of something that could potentially NOT work for us - what a waste that would be! (not to mention it would defeat the purpose of this!)
The containers are mixed as follows:
C o n t a i n e r 1
1 / 4 c B o r a x
1 / 4 c W a s h i n g S o d a
1 / 8 c C i t r i c A c i d
1 / 8 c E p s o m S a l t
C o n t a i n e r 2
1 / 4 c B o r a x
1 / 4 c W a s h i n g S o d a
1 / 8 c F r u i t F r e s h
1 / 8 c E p s o m S a l t
C o n t a i n e r 3
1 / 4 c B o r a x
1 / 4 c W a s h i n g S o d a
1 / 8 c C i t r i c A c i d
1 / 8 c K o s h e r S a l t
C o n t a i n e r 4
1 / 4 c B o r a x
1 / 4 c W a s h i n g S o d a
1 / 8 c F r u i t F r e s h
1 / 8 c K o s h e r S a l t
So, I’ve found about 8000 various versions of this “recipe”, but the majority of them were fairly similar. Minor variations: kosher vs epsom salt; pure citric vs Kool-Aid vs Fruit Fresh; basking soda vs washing soda... Then all the questions poured into my head:
Do you/can you add LemiShine to the mix or does it HAVE to be added to the bottom of the dishwasher?
Vinegar as a rinse aid?
How often do I have to refill the vinegar?
So I broke this down..
1) I absolutely refuse to use Kool-Aid in any appliance. Sweetened or unsweetened - it stains. I ruled that out IMMEDIATELY!
2) I may be efficient, but I’m also very lazy. I will NOT be adding stuff to the bottom of my dishwasher EVERY wash cycle..
3) I’m indifferent on the effectiveness of baking soda over washing soda, but due to the fact that baking soda reacts more than the washing soda and the fact that I had more washing soda on hand than I did baking soda - guess which one I picked? ;)
So that brings us to our starting point...
I use white distilled vinegar on the regular as it is, so I have the stuff on hand to use as a rinse aid. I also had 5 of the ingredients on hand, so I bought the Fruit Fresh and got down to it!
Now, most of the recipes called for similar amounts of the ingredients, so I cut them down by 75% to use as samples before making a HUGE batch of something that could potentially NOT work for us - what a waste that would be! (not to mention it would defeat the purpose of this!)
The containers are mixed as follows:
C o n t a i n e r 1
1 / 4 c B o r a x
1 / 4 c W a s h i n g S o d a
1 / 8 c C i t r i c A c i d
1 / 8 c E p s o m S a l t
C o n t a i n e r 2
1 / 4 c B o r a x
1 / 4 c W a s h i n g S o d a
1 / 8 c F r u i t F r e s h
1 / 8 c E p s o m S a l t
C o n t a i n e r 3
1 / 4 c B o r a x
1 / 4 c W a s h i n g S o d a
1 / 8 c C i t r i c A c i d
1 / 8 c K o s h e r S a l t
C o n t a i n e r 4
1 / 4 c B o r a x
1 / 4 c W a s h i n g S o d a
1 / 8 c F r u i t F r e s h
1 / 8 c K o s h e r S a l t
This yielded 3/4c of experimental detergent per mini batch. I’ve read varying recommendation from 1-2 tbsp per wash, so I’m starting with 1 and working from there. Considering I run the dishwasher almost daily, 1 container could potentially last 6-12 days. This should be enough time to produce fairly accurate results and allow me to determine which blend will work best for us!
Other factors we have to take into consideration. We live in Colorado and have VERY hard water. Taking heed to the warnings of hard water I’ve read - I upped the citric acids slightly and from what I gather the LemiShine help immensely! (So crap, I have to go back to the store now!)
So let’s begin shall we?
First observations: I was prepared for the hardening, but it breaks up very easy. However, Container 1 was the only one of the 4 that hardened... In 3 hours! Ironically, that was the first recipe I found.. I’m so glad I continued my search (as I did with all my other recipes)
Day 1: okay, my dumb ass forgot to put vinegar in the rinse compartment! However, 1 tbsp of detergent did a fantsic job! I inspected every piece thoroughly and did not notice of any of the cloudiness others have complained about.. So far so good!
Day 2: Noticed hardening in all the other continers except #4.. Maybe the combination of Kosher Salt and Fruit Fresh is the key, or maybe it's just the Fruit Fresh, as I noticed while there is some clumping in #2, its far worse in the other 2 - particularly the ones with Espom salt and pure citric acid. Vinegar has been added to the rinse compartment (so I don't forget again and I did throw a tsp of LemiShine at the bottom, just to test it, and I wasn’t disappointed! But I really cant say for certain if there were any changes,
since I added 2 factors and noticed the same result.
Day 3: One of the biggest questions Ive had so far is how often do i have to refill the vinegar in the rinse compartment! I guess we will answer this question soon enough. However, I did not have a full enough load to run it last night, so I have no results to report for this day!
Day 4: ran same as day 2, but I have no results to report because, while he was just trying to help, my husband emptied the dishwasher. However, he knows we are experimenting and did not say if there was anything weird about the dishes... I did notice he rewashed the inside of my lunchbox, so I'm guessing the dishwasher didn't get all the cream cheese off. But considering how it was in the dishwasher and dried for 2 days, I don't think regular detergent would have worked! Cream cheese is tricky stuff! LOL
Day 5: no load today!
Day 6: no new results. I'm trying to find something, anything, but I can't. The stuff works - end of story. However, I did figure out why my dishwasher wasn't drying the stuff on the top rack... Jackson decided to turn off the heated dry feature! Stupid button.... And I also calculated how much of the LemiShine I would need to add per mini batch I've made (again, I'm lazy and I don't want to add it each load! LOL! But I think it's something that needs to be added when you first make the batch, due to the hardening...
Day 7: OY! So, I'm thinking I may have to scrap Container 3 all together. I had the bright idea to post a 1 week consistency photo, but I wanted to see how much I could break them up - just so anyone reading this would know if they used any of these recipes and they hardened, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Now, Container 1 (upper left) has been used 1 tbsp per wash about 5 times now. It doesn't appear I've made a dent in the amount. There is considerable hardening and clumping, but it's effectiveness is worth taking a few moments to break apart.
Container 2 (upper right) also has more hardening than it initially showed to have, but it is also super easy to break apart.
Container 3 (lower left) is all I could do after 15 minutes of attacking the mass with a knife. I gave up. I think it's out of the race, just because it pissed me off. (Note: I used PURE citric acid in this one)
Container 4 (lower right) is my favorite due to the fact that it is still maintaining a very powdery consistency. I may skip #2 and go straight to #4 to test it's effectiveness. But, seeing as I haven't even hit the halfway point of #1, who knows how long this will take! LOL
Day 8:
Day 9:
Day 10:
Day 11:
Day 12:
Day 13:
Day 14:
Day 15: so we've all figured out I am bad at keeping up with this log.. Im still using the first batch, but upon a week 2 constistancy check, I discovered in addition to the 3rd batch being completely solidified, so is the 2nd batch!! #2 was deceiving at first, it solidified in its powdery form, but I had the hardest time breaking it up!! ARGH! #4 was hardened, but I could get a scoop in there and it broke up even. So I'm at this conclusion right now: Epsom salt and Fruit Fresh is a no go combination, as is the kosher salt and pure citric acid combination. Epsom salt reacts less with the pure citric acid I think and the kosher salt reacts less with the Fruit Fresh.
In light of this, Ive made this command decision: I am going to make a second batch of each #1 and #4, and add the appropriate amount of LemiShine per batch to see how that works in terms of effectiveness and hardening.
And that's where we're at now folks!
Day 19? I really shouldn't keep track of days anymore.. LOL! So having high hopes, I went ahead and made a batch of #4 with LemiShine...
The bad news: spongey hardness... Within a few hours!
The good news: for those looking for a way to make efficient tablets - THIS should be the recipe to do it!
So for tablets:
- 1/4 c borax
- 1/4 c washing soda
- 1/4 c LemiShine
- 1/8 c Fruit Fresh
- 1/8 c Kosher salt
(This is the plan in theory) Take an ice cube tray (you can get the cheap packs at the dollar store) and fill the tray with the mixture almost immediately - since it does harden fairly quick. The sample batch should fill one tray easily..
We're still at #1 and #4 as best in the hardness category, but I don't like having to put the LemiShine in everytime... So I'm seriously considering making a batch of tablets and testing those!
Okay, no - I WILL make a batch!
Attempted 2 batches of tablets, one using the made I had already made, broken up and smooshed into the ice cube trays... Which was a feat in itself, since its very sticky! Then I made a fresh batch and poured that in, assuming it would clump up within a couple of hours and VOILA - instant tablets right?
Wrong. So I leave the ice cube trays out on the counter instead of sealing them in an airtight container and stashing it under the sink like I have been doing with the other batches!! There is obviously no saving the first batch of #4+ - that's pretty much just premeasured clump of soap (however I did use one in the dishwasher tonight - we're still on heated dry, but I'll post that update later!), but maybe the extra moisture under the sink is the key to why everyone (not just myself) is having clumping issues with this stuff!! Because where does EVERYONE keep their dish detergent - UNDER THE SINK!!! I may have just figured out the way to properly store this stuff!!!!!!
This experiment has evolved way beyond my initial expectations! LOL - I'll be back with more! Stay tuned! (like you have a choice since this is all in one blog! HAHA!)
Okay, so left out overnight, the fresh batch made yesterday STILL has no clumping and is still very powdery (!!!!!!!!!!), so now I'm going to empty it out of the ice cube tray and break up the batch into smaller groups and place it in various parts of my kitchen, to further test my under the sink theory!
The first batch of 4+ however, turned rock hard on me... I had to throw it away!
Week 4:
So I broke the second batch in 4 groups, put some in a container and placed it on top of my cabinets, placed some in a container in a top cabinet, and one container in a bottom cabinet - that wasn't under the sink. All got that spongey hardness overnight.
I never covered the fresh batch and I left that under the sink for 2 days. The location is not the issue - COVERING it is the issue!!! Its been 1 week, I've left this stuff uncovered all over the kitchen and it's still powdery!
Having said that - I'm still nervous to dive in and make a huge batch though. I know the key to preventing hardness now, but after all the failure - I don't want to make a big batch only to have it wasted!!!
Decisions decisions...
I've pretty much abandoned this whole idea. The recipe works, but the kosher salt is not as abrasive as the epsom salt, and I noticed that if it didn't get everything off - it added stuff it my dishes, especially the silverware..
I'm going to try another batch of #1 with the LemiShine pre-added.. And test my theory about leaving it open - as the batch I left in the open is STILL powdery in texture!
However, if that doesn't work, I'm moving on to my liquid recipe I found! LOL
#1 with LemiShine added? Fail. Insta-hardness! I tried leaving the mixture out in the open like I did with the #4+ batch... I swear it actually expedited the process. What the hell?
So conclusion? I quit. I blame the hard water mostly and I have a feeling that if I lived in a soft water area, we wouldn't even be having half of these issues trying to find a working formula. The hardening is annoying, but tolerable. The fight against the cloudiness I started having after a couple weeks. (which I'm still trying to figure that out - even extra vinegar didn't help!)
Oh well...
So my recommendations: #1 or #4, use LemiShine separate and stay on top of the vinegar and it should be just fine - providing you're willing to remember to do that almost every wash cycle! (I'm not. I'm lazy!!)
OMG! Have you gone back to store-bought detergent?? Is a future blog coming on clothes detergent or other cleaning recepies?