
Amanda's Coupon Organization Book

Going to the grocery store with a 1yr old is very hard, not to count in trying to sort out coupons as you shop. I have so many coupons but could never use them because I can't look for items, keep up with the baby and filter through my stack of coupons as I shop. One day it came to me.. Why not make a coupon book?

My book is a little bulky but it makes finding my coupons as I shop so much easier. All you will need is a binder, baseball card sleeves,regular binder sleeves, construction paper, a marker and of course your coupons. I've divided my coupons into sections that I will understand and that made sense to me. 

To figure out how many regular sleeves you need figure out how many different sections you want to divide your coupons in. Mine are:

*Misc. Items (canned goods, condiments, cereals, snacks, etc.)

*Refrigerated Items (this includes anything that goes in the fridge or freezer)

*Pastas (I also put pasta sauces in this section)

*Cleaning Items

*Bathroom Items (Hygiene Items and medications) 

*Baking Goods

Use a sheet of construction paper to label you individual sections and put those in the regular sleeves. 

Then use the baseball card sleeves to separate your coupons. If I have multiples of the same coupon I just fold them individually and put them in the same pocket. If I have a coupon for the same item but different amounts off of them I put the coupon with the highest amount in the pocket before the lesser one.

It's so simple and such an easy way to stay organized. As I need a coupon I look through my book and just pull out the one I need and stuff it in my jeans pocket. Then when I get to the checkout I can just hand the cashier my stack of coupons. I hope this helps someone.


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